大 使 館/EMBASSY |
Ambassador 大使 H.E Andrea
Bowman |
Minister Counsellor 公使 Mr
Elroy Wilson |
Counsellor 參事 Ms Shebby-Ann S.
C Dennie |
Secretary 秘書 Mrs Diana Chao |
Chauffeur司機 Mr James Hsu |
Embassy Staff 大使館成員 |
大使柏安卓Andrea Bowman呈遞到任國書
Credentials of new SVG Ambassador Andrea Bowman accepted by President Tsai Ing-wen
蔡英文總統於108年8月7日偕同陳建仁副總統伉儷會晤聖文森及格瑞那丁總理龔薩福(Ralph Gonsalves)伉儷暨接受駐臺特命全權大使柏安卓(Andrea
On the afternoon
of August 7, President
Tsai Ing-wen
accompanied by Vice
President Chen Chien-jen
and Mrs. Chen, met with
Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines (SVG) Prime
Minister Ralph Gonsalves
and Mrs. Gonsalves, and
accepted the credentials
of new SVG Ambassador
Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary to Taiwan
Andrea Bowman.
We hope that with the opening of the SVG Embassy in Taiwan, our bilateral relations will only grow stronger. We look forward to Prime Minister Gonsalves' continued support for Taiwan's international participation,
so that together, SVG and Taiwan can make even greater contributions to the common good.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Taiwan's staunchest ally in the Caribbean
since 38 years ago
SVG first ambassador to
Taiwan, Andrea Bowman
has excellent academic
qualifications and
experience. She has
served as the
principal of SVG first
girls' high school for
a long time, and has
been educating many |
and Saint Vincent and
the Grenadines have
been very good friends
for 38years, and has
always been Taiwan's
staunchest ally in the
Caribbean. |
Cooperation and
exchanges in all
aspects are becoming
closer and more
diverse. In order to
strengthen the
relationship with
Taiwan, the fifth |
overseas embassy was
established in Taiwan.
This shows that the
bilateral relationship
between us will move a
big step towards
another far-reaching
milestone. |
We believe in the
future, the embassy
will be able to
continue to deepen the
cooperation between
the two countries, and
at the same time
assist more SVG |
students in
Taiwan. |